5 Reasons Why Your Brands Need Instagram Marketing

Have a great idea for a business? Not enough budget to start? No clue where to go?

3 min readJan 24, 2022

In 2022 Increase your brand awareness and reach millions of people effortlessly. Make the best use of social media and build the brand of your dreams. Creating social media profiles to represent or show your brand is the easiest and the most cost-effective way of marketing your brand for 2022. Among the variety of options to choose from like Facebook, Twitter, Etsy etc, Instagram is the most accessed network by people with billions of users and more users registering every day. People from all across the world is making use of this to make it happen for their business by uploading reels and creating stories to attract more people from across the globe to their brand way more than what a store in a remote place can achieve. you can contact the best social media marketing services in Kochi, for Instagram marketing.

Here are 5 reasons why your brands need Instagram marketing

1. Visual storytelling: The growth of Instagram lies in its feature such as reels, stories that give people an opportunity to create a visual story surrounding their products. It helps them attach an emotional value to your brand keeping users engaged and entertained. Good photography and aesthetically pleasing content can impress and make your brand look appealing to the users in turn making them buy your products and creating potential life time customers.

2. Engagement: the number of users signing up for Instagram are increasing day by day. People spent most of their time browsing through the reels for both business and entertainment purposes. It allows easy and fast ways to engage people effortlessly. The engagement feature on Instagram allows you to track the audience and followers you have, the trends they follow on your page and your growth. It gives a detailed insight into your growth and loss continuously allowing you to upload content according to the preferences of your audience and keep them hooked in. Instagram also provide paid promotions to small business to boost their growth fast when needed. Making use of these features you can see and measure the growth of your business in every stage. It also promotes in app purchases in a single click making selling and receiving easier than ever before.

3. Visibility: Instagram users are all across the world, billion in number and still growing. The amount of exposure one can achieve through the app is huge and the work required is less compared. Understanding the algorithm of Instagram and using it wisely can help you get your brand internationally recognized which is not possible with a remote store. More the number of your views, hashtags and mentions that you get, more the exposure Instagram creates for your brand.

4. Insights and feedback: starting a business is easy but maintaining one is difficult, one not only has to be up to date on all the trends and latest information but also watch the competition to stay a step ahead. Instagram allows you to keep track of the competitors and take necessary actions to keep ahead of them. The analytics feature gives instant feed backs on every content you upload.

5. Cost-effective and friendly: Instagram is cost-effective and easy to use the app. Almost all the features on Instagram such as reels and stories are free to use and create a large audience easily.

With the surge of covid came a shift from office life to working from home people, use of social media especially Instagram increased tremendously. Entertainment, education and business, Instagram provides all the requirements for everything you need to build and sustain your business. Famous luxurious brands have started using Instagram and are seeing results with a fast-growing audience. With consistency and little effort, you can build your brand explode it to the world and create the best audience of your choice.

Ready to make it happen in 2022? We are here you help. you can contact the best Web Development company in Kochi, DESIGN SAGES, our expert staff are trained and equipped to create, guide and support your brand throughout your journey to success.

